What training do I need?

The level and type of training needed will depend on the level of knowledge and skill required to conduct the work safely and efficiently and the legal requirements for the state or territory you work in.

A training needs analysis should be conducted.

For further information on required training please contact your local WHS authority.

SafeworkSA offers a useful document

Do I need a license or certificate for the task?

Please check with your WHS regulator on our Links page

A license may be required under law as per high Risk Work Licenses (Forklifts, Cranes, Hoists, Boom Type EWPs over 11m) check with your state or territory authority as to specific requirements. Links to a number of government authorities are available through our Links page.

Certain types of license requirements require you to sit written and practical tests to show competency and earn the license. This testing will have to be carried out “face to face” with a government registered assessor. We may be able to help you with this.

Duty of care training

Often there is no license requirement as is the case in most jurisdictions for equipment like chainsaws or powered hand held cutting saws but training is needed to keep safe and evidence of the training is required to be kept by employers. Again we may be able to asist individuals and organisations in meeting compliance.

Not sure which course or license you need?

Please contact us with:

  • The location you intend to work in,
  • What plant you want to operate or the task you’d like to carry out
  • Your age (some licenses have age restrictions)
  • Any other relevant information

Otherwise please give us a call. We’d be delighted to help.

Online training – Is it suitable?

To help develop knowledge in individuals we recommend all trainees or people wanting to sit for a license or certificate to gain as much relevant knowledge as possible.

We are currently busy developing an online resource database to help you build knowledge.

Before any licensing assessment we always offer a short refresher course of one or two hours prior to applicants sitting the test to provide the best opportunity to demonstrate competency to the assessor.

But if you’ve thoroughly done your homework, have the necessary experience in operation then you possibly don’t need it. Think of the time saved on site too!

Also note we will provide a discount for onsite services if you have completed our relevant online course.

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