Work Health & Safety (WHS) advice & construction project management

With a wealth of knowledge, skill and experience spanning decades in high risk  fields of work within construction, we can manage your high risk construction project or devise appropriate WHS management plans, safe work method documents, policies and procedures relative to the size and complexity of project, including incident management, subcontractor management and more.

Asbestos operative respirator qualative fit testing now available

Respirator fit testing is mandatory for all asbestos workers wearing negative pressure respirators. These are required whenever a new make, model and/or size of respirator is allocated to worker prior to work commencement.  Further, this testing is mandated for renewal at least every 12 months or whenever a factor arises that may affect the correct fit of the respirator to the worker.

A seal test is different to a fit test and is required each time a respirator is worn. All workers should understand the purpose, limitations, safe use and storage of their respirator in accordance with requirements detailed within AS 1715.

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